Saturday, March 5, 2011

It all starts or ends here, however you want to look at it.

Fitting I think the the hotel chosen for the 2011 AERC convention would have an impressive life size bronze pony express rider sculpture standing right at the entrance.  I couldn't have planned this any better.  Terry Ross (my XP crew chief extraordinaire) and I made our separate ways to Reno,  me by plane and Terry by white knuckled blizzard driving to meet "The Duck".

The Duck aka Dr.  Dave Nicholson called us all together to meet, great and introduce himself to us apprehensive , excited pony riders.  All I can say right now is that it is going to be an epic adventure for me and my friends.  Many of my fears of not "being ready" or "capable"  have been put to rest all there is to this is drive to Mo.  get your horse out of the trailer and ride west.....well that's what the Duck said....At least I have quit trying to over think the whole thing and turned myself around to ride the wave and have FUN...The countdown is on :)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Waking up the Blog

Wow, has it really been since 2008? Hard to believe I've aged 3 years since my last post and yes I'm still taking pictures but I have a newish job that takes way too much of my time. Here are a few of the pictures I've snapped during my hiatus.